Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Say No to Cracked Cuticles!

As a second grade teacher, I have germy children wanting to touch me all day long. They want to hold my hands, give me hugs, and just basically be all over me ALL THE TIME. Lucky for them, I don't mind it so much and I know they need all the love and affection they can get, BUT, I really HATE the thought of getting sick. I go through Lysol wipes and antibacterial gel like it's my job. Lately with the swine flu craze, I've doubled up on pumping the Purell and washing my hands. Unfortunately, this has made my nails and cuticles look a hot mess until I found my Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream.

This little tin of lemony heaven has saved the skin on my hands and around my nails from flaking off from all the washing and scrubbing. With a little rub around my nail bed, my nails look healthier and shinier and my cuticles look moisturized. It leaves a silky smooth (not greasy) feel and it has a great fresh lemon scent. I have even used it on my elbows, heels, and a little dry spot on my chin... works like a charm! The cute tin is small enough to carry in your purse or pocket; trust me, you'll want to bring it everywhere once you try it. The price is $6 on the Burt's Bees website, but you can probably find it cheaper in other stores.

1 comment:

  1. I love this stuff! I've been using it for a few years and it makes my cuticles and nails so much healthier! ;-)

